Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To be fair...

     I often hear friends complain about the wrongs others have done to them.  I also feel this way about certain people in my life.  Have you ever stopped to think about your role in the situation?  No one wants to accept responsibility for their own actions.  I have found with my self as well as others, that we put too much pressure on people to do what we want them to do, then feel betrayed when they do not meet our expectations.  One may expect a friend to be there for us in times of need and feel hurt when they are not.  Were they asked, were they aware there was trouble in your life?  If you are the type to be there for everyone else but have no one to turn to when you need help you have to ask yourself why?  I have found it is often because we are so used to putting on a smile and acting strong for all those people that they think we never have a bad day and assume we need nothing.  These are the friends I worry about most of all.  
     The same theory goes for lovers as well.  If you have fallen in love with someone who has not fallen in love with you, can you blame them for your pain?  I often see girls crying over men who barely know they exist!  This makes no sense, nor does it make sense to be jealous of the other women they are with if you have not made your feelings clear.  If you have made yourself clear and that man still chooses other women then you have your answer.  He does not want you in the same way you want him!  This is very cut and dry.  You have two choices in this situation, move on or wait. For those that think they can wait until that person realizes they have made a mistake and comes back to them, well it rarely happens.  For those that move on you can always go back if it was meant to be then it will be.  Allowing yourself to be played for a fool and pretending that other women are not in that mans life only leads to pain.  This is the type of pain you are responsible for.  If you choose to wait for someone who is clearly not waiting for you then you can not be angry with them when they are with other people!  I saw a great movie called He is Just Not That Into You.   I think everyone should see this movie in high school and take it to heart.  
     Everyone is responsible for their own feelings and actions.  No one else can make you feel a certain way with out your permission.  If you take control of your own mind and body then you will be a much better friend, lover, and family member to all those around you.  You are in control of you, from birth to death, you own your feelings, thoughts, actions, and emotions.  Take care of yourself and all the rest will fall into place.


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