My entire life I have done things backwards. I live in a constant state of reverse. My thoughts race to the finish line before my body can catch up or my mouth can form words. This has been a source of frustration for everyone around me and a setback in every thing I do. Just once in my life I would like to do things right. I am making a conscious effort from this day forward to slow down. I will think before I speak. I will look before I leap. I will prepare before I present. I will organize my life. These words will be my daily mantra.
Now of course this is easier said then done! Even now as I sit here typing this my thoughts are 3 pages ahead. I believe clutter is a sign of ones mental health and if that is the case I have some cleaning to do! This week I will focus on clearing my desk, cleaning out my home, and letting go of the past. The box of letters from Junior high was fun to share with my daughter but they have served their purpose and now must go. The even bigger box of cards from years of birthdays reminds me I am loved but do I need reminding? My time is better served living with these loved ones in the here and now and making new memories. Newpapers, magaizines, and junk mail - you must go! The years of school collages are over and your presence is no longer needed.
Next will be the people in my life. Many are good wonderful people and I have not treasured them enough in the past several years. To you I promise to spend more quality time reconnecting and valuing our friendships. There are others that only bring me down, and I am OK with saying goodbye. Life is too short to live with the drama of your lives when no matter how often you know what to do to make it better but choose not to. I will wish you well and send positive wishes out into the universe for you. I hope you will find happiness one day.
When I have started working on these goals I will start on my final goal. I have never experienced a true and loving healthy relationship. I will work on allowing people into my life that I could spend time with for me. I have purposely blocked men from my life to avoid dating. I turn every guy into a "friend". I do not know how to be in a relationship. I promise myself to date and have fun and most importantly I will learn what a relationship is. I want a man in my life to be a friend and a lover. I do not want to me smothered but I do want to be desired and appreciated. I do not need a rich man but I do want an equal. I want to have someone to turn to when I need a shoulder to cry on, to share a laugh with, and yes to open a jar! I want someone I can be "me" with. I want to be silly and goofy and go out as a couple. I want to stop being the strong independent single mom "aka the third wheel". Yes I want a man in my life and I am not ashamed to admit it! I need a good man in my life! To many of us have come to believe this garbage we speak. I do not need any one I am a woman and I can do it all. I am a single mom and I am super woman. I can be both a mother and a father, I can move heavy objects, and cut the grass and change my tires. Yes it is true I really can do these things but I don't want to do them alone anymore!
All of these thought will become actions. I am sending them out to the universe and I believe they will come true....
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